Doing more self care and supporting metal health has been one of my New Years Resolutions this year. I made this cheerful affirmation poster to pin up by the mirror as a reminder, and I wanted to share it with you in case you’d like to join in.
This printable also makes a great kids affirmation poster, and my little one and I have been having lots of fun reading out these positive affirmations before brushing our teeth! (Although, he's two, so honestly he's mostly just a fan of the rabbit and rainbows, but it's never too young to start healthy habits!)
To download your FREE Printable Affirmation Poster just sign up to my mailing list!
The file will be emailed to you soon after (along with some other free printables you may be interested in), then just download, print, frame or pin to the wall, read it daily (either in your head or out loud) and start remembering just how awesome you are! 😘